September 28, 2010

September Synopsis

I'm still alive... just been crazy busy with work and stuff. My September has been hectic and chaotic. However, I'm surviving and thriving. Quick synopsis of my month:
  • Work has taken a front seat to pretty much everything else, but at least I have job security.
  • Weight Watcher's has been a great change of pace for me. I've started to really take stock of what I eat and how active I need to be. I've lost almost 9 pounds after 8 weeks. I'm super excited about my progress!
  • Started back with my Beta Sigma Phi activities. I love spending time with this great group of ladies!
  • Had the chance to spend time with a dear friend from my USC days during his visit to Columbia. Facebook has allowed me to reconnect with old friends that I thought I'd never see again.
  • Been reading every free minute I get. Have read some really great books this past month.
  • Our Girls have had some health issues. Kira & Sophie seem to be doing better now, and we are getting used to living with geriatric animals.
Those are the highlights of my September. Hope everyone has had a great month! I promise not to be MIA like this again.