April 25, 2011

Some Changes Have Been Taking Place

Wow- it has been a crazy 2 months since my last blog post. I've felt that life has been pretty boring and that I did not have much exciting news to share. In an effort to get back on track, I'll just share a few things that have changed with me.

I blogged a while back about starting Weight Watchers. After many months of working the program and losing little by little, I have achieved Lifetime status!! I'm 35 pounds smaller than when I started with the program in August. I've had to shop for new clothes- awesomeness!! And I feel like a brand new woman! Hubby has even joined WW and is doing great!! He's already down 22 pounds. I'm so proud of him!!!

I must confess that I still suffer from an addiction to books. However, my addiction is about to take a new form. After much contemplation and doing research on the various options, I've asked Hubby to give me a Kindle for my birthday (which is fast approaching). I've already been adding Kindle editions to my Amazon wish list. I have explained to Hubby that I will still need to purchase the occasional book- like Stephen King or Anne Rule. I cannot give up owning new editions by my favorite authors.

Another change I anticipate is paying more attention to my blog. I'll even start sharing the boring details of my life in order to stay on track if I have to. I know, you can hardly wait for those exciting posts. Thanks for hanging with me!