August 29, 2010

Take Me Home Country Road

Anyone who knows me well will tell you that I am quite impatient. I don't like to wait for anything or believe that anything should take too long. I can thank dear old dad for my lack of patience. I earned it honestly.
However I realized something recently. I was headed back home on a Sunday afternoon to celebrate my Granny's 91st birthday (rock on, Granny!). As usual, I-26 was slow, slow, slow. So I took a detour down 176 which isn't an unusual part of any drive home. The only difference is that usually Hubby is the one behind the wheel. Yet due to issues at work, he couldn't go with me so I had to drive by myself. My impatience was rearing it's ugly head the whole way down the road- people were pulling out in front of me and driving 10 miles UNDER the posted speed limit, turning with little or no turn signal, etc. I finally made it to Granny's house for the festivities and had fun with the family.
Then it was time to head back to the big Cola. Taking 176 from Granny's house is the easiest way to get back home. As I drove back with no time constraint hanging over my head and little traffic on the road this time, I started thinking about all the times I'd driven that road. In my driving years, I have spent a lot of time on 176. I drove it endlessly to visit my BFF in high school, head back to USC when there was a major traffic malfunction on I-26, or just take the long way somewhere. I started to remember how I was filled with so much anticipation for the fun that BFF and I had planned that day/night and the mischief that we were sure to find together. I remember driving that road with tears in my eyes when I had the realization that my first significant crush didn't feel the same way. I remember taking that road with another childhood friend to attend high school football games at an arch rival school and visit with friends we had there. I was overwhelmed with memories crashing through my mind like waves on the beach.
I had an Ah-Ha moment. Life isn't about how fast we can get somewhere and how fast we'll get back home. It isn't about what I can get now. It's about the time we take to slow down and breathe. It's about the memories- both good and bad- that have shaped our lives and make up our past. It's about just enjoying life.
So I encourage you to take the slow way to somewhere when you have the chance and enjoy the scenery. Even if you've seen it a million times or it's a brand new path, it's those moments when we slow down and reflect that make us thankful for the roads we've traveled. They have all led us to the people we are now.
Happy travels!

August 14, 2010

"We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!"

This classic line from Ghostbusters says so much about my day. We being mom & I. The ass we kicked being the Tanger Outlet in Sevierville, TN. We had quite the successful shopping trip this year. Got some Christmas shopping done for friends & family as well as bought a few goodies for myself.
I found some great deals and used coupons when I could. Did you know that you can show your AAA card at any Tanger Outlet mall office and get a free coupon book? Today, they gave me a coupon book AND a $5 gift card to be used in participating outlet stores. Oh happy day! I love a free gift card- no matter what the amount! Let's just say that gift card was put to good use rather quickly.
I won't discuss in great details all the wonderful deals I got b/c I'd hate to spoil surprises for my friends and family. I got myself 3 pairs of shoes (saved $60 on one pair alone), some books ( I know, I know... I have a habit that I can't seem to break), my very own Garden Gnome, and some magnets. I really worked hard to spend my money on other people this year.
Another shopping weekend goes into the history books as a success. Wonder what kind of deals I'll get next year?!

August 12, 2010

My Favorite Place

Well, I'm in one of my favorite places in all the world- Pigeon Forge, TN. You are probably thinking that I'm totally sheltered if this "Myrtle Beach in the Smoky Mountains" is a favorite place of mine. Don't get me wrong- I love New York City with a passion that I can hardly put into words (I'll save that one for another post). I adore London, England and everywhere I've ever been in Canada.
Pigeon Forge is one of my favorite places because of what it means to me. It means a long weekend of precious time with my mom. We've been coming here for about 20 years. My granny used to come with us but since her heart attack many years ago, she stays home. We shop at the outlets, eat so much good food that it hurts, and just spend time together. We laugh and talk about everything. I believe that we actually solve 99.9% of the world's problems during these annual excursions, but no one will listen to us.
It's just an amazing weekend full of life & love. I know that these weekends are going to be some of the most precious memories I'll have when the time comes that we can't come here together anymore. So, I'm posting this from one of the best places in the world. Good night & God bless!

August 1, 2010

To Lose or Not to Lose...

My friends & family know that I don't generally make too much of a fuss about my physical appearance. I'm not into the latest fashion trends and don't wear make-up. I'm pretty low maintenance. However, I have one complaint- my weight.
Now, what woman doesn't worry or struggle with her weight? Pretty much every lady I know has fought this battle. Some of have succeeded and some have not. I fall into the have not category. In college, I was at a personally satisfying weight. I was also more active then than I am now which helped keep it under control. I'm not obese, but I am overweight according to my doctor (and my mirror when I step out of the shower).
I love food and I'm lazy. Not a good combination when you struggle with your weight. Hubby and I both need to lose several pounds and are trying to get motivated. I may have found some motivation- Weight Watchers.
When I lived in Flo-Town, a co-worker shared a "bootleg" copy of the Weight Watchers point system with me. Her sister was on the WW program and shared the information with her. So she shared it with several of us. I must say that I was never so conscientious of what I ate as I was when I knew I needed to make every point count. I made a few small changes back then that have stayed with me even now. But like so many other things, I dropped the ball and got wrapped up in life.
Now, I need to make some changes and need to be held accountable. So I've been researching Weight Watchers. I'm seriously thinking about breaking out the checkbook and going to a meeting this week. I've found a location close to home that meets at a convenient time. I'm wondering if a support group will help motivate me. I figure that it won't hurt.
Anyone have any WW experiences to share? I'd love to hear what you think. Now, here's to losing a few pounds!