July 23, 2012

No One Said This World Was Sane

The events in Aurora, CO last week have changed the way we view the world.  One of the most ordinary (and safest) activities we can engage in was shattered in one moment of terror for the folks in Theater 9.  How many of us think when we walk out the front door for work, take a phone call from a dear friend, go to the store or watch a movie that this might be the last time we will ever do that activity?  That there won't be a next time?
When I heard the news on Friday morning, my heart broke for that community and those people.  Another horrific current event that will be etched in our memories.  An "I remember where I was when I heard about" moment in our history.  What an awful a situation those people experienced while trying to enjoy the guilty pleasure of a long-anticipated action movie.  We lost a bit of our innocence on Friday.  
We also became hyper-alert.  Hubby & I went to a matinee of The Dark Knight Rises on Sunday.  I found myself looking around the theater after we sat down and tried to mentally plan for where to run or hide should someone come in and start shooting.  So much so that I even turned to Hubby and said, "If someone comes in with a gun, we can jump behind our seats and hide."  You know the sad part- he had the exact same thought when we sat down.
Is anywhere safe anymore?  Has the world gone completely bat-shit crazy?  It's stories like the one from Aurora, CO that make me ask those kinds of questions.  These are questions that we will never be able to answer.
What can we do is live each moment to the fullest.  We can tell our friends and family members that we love them.  We can enjoy every minute of everyday.  We can live in honor of the 12 from Aurora who lost their lives.  No matter what happens in this crazy world, let's live.