April 26, 2010

Getting to Know Me

I've been tossing around the idea of starting my own blog for several months. I'd think about it and then get to thinking about something else. I figured it was something that I would start and then let fall to the wayside like other attempts to document my life. I tried to keep a journal back in the day and was pretty consistent for a few years, but then I'd lose interest or get lazy. I'm not sure which is more accurate. So I figure I'll give this a try and see if I can entertain others and document my life all in one.
So... what can I say about myself? I appreciate sarcasm and use it daily- big shocker! Did you even read the title of my blog?! I enjoy reading all kinds of books and watching movies. I talk in movie quotes on a regular basis and believe there is an appropriate movie quote for pretty much any and every situation in life (even to describe my blog).
I try to be a supportive and compassionate friend. My friends will tell you that I love them with all my heart and would do anything for them. But I lack patience. I'm working on it, but I find myself lacking in that department. I don't have sympathy for people who refuse to better their circumstances while complaining about all that is wrong in their life. I consider myself a liberal conservative when it comes to political matters, but I don't spend a lot of time reflecting on politics. I feel there are more important things to focus on like the cover story on the latest issue of People magazine, my next outing to Pancho's for a Mexican food fix and planning days off work.
I'm married to an awesome man I'll refer to as Hubby. Hubby is a computer guru with mad photography skills. I can hardly sync my iPod to my iTunes, but he can troubleshoot my PC issues while enjoying episodes of Family Guy as he edits photos on his Mac. He's well-rounded like that.
We have 2 fur children. Kira Kitty is 13 years old and loves to eat, sleep, eat and get high on catnip. We've had to reign her catnip habit in because we don't want our baby to be on a future episode of Intervention. Sophie the Pug is 10 years old and just sleeps and eats. She has a random burst of energy about once every 2 years. Then, it passes.
That about sums me up. I'll do my best to entertain and enlighten with future posts.

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