June 3, 2010

A Week of Randomness

Another week has almost ended (thank heavens!) and I'm ready for the weekend. It's been a busy yet good week. Enjoyed a lovely day off on Monday while Hubby had to work. Boo hiss! I did find time to stimulate our nation's economy (Yes- Barnes & Noble was visited and books were purchased. It is still cheaper than crack!) and I got my FREE Spicy Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwich. It was decent but a little more spice than I like. Sophie the Pug begged for a bite but had to settle for pieces of waffle fries instead. Don't want to even THINK what such spicy goodness would have done to her tummy.
Started my new job on Wednesday. Two days in and I feel like my brain has reached it's threshold of memory capacity. That or I just don't have a damn clue. I'm leaning toward the second option. One positive is that my work days fly by now. When you have trouble remembering that you needed to visit the bathroom an hour ago, that is a whole lot of busy. But the people I'm working with and advocating for have been very supportive and encouraging. It is making it all worth while.
All the stormy mess we've been experiencing this week left us a mess. HUGE limb fell out a tree last night and we had to clean it up. And Hubby tried to tell me that crash last night was something on the TV. Bet he'll listen to me next time! Hubby with a chainsaw is sort of like Texas Chainsaw Massacre without all the gore and wearing of a human skin mask. I just stayed out of his way until the limb was chopped up. If I'd been manning the chainsaw, limbs (the human kind) would have been lost- so thanks to Hubby for his chainsaw prowess. I forgot how rewarding yard work can be after a long day at work. It's a great way to de-stress.
Heading to the 'Burg on Saturday for some doggone fun at Bark in the Park. Sophie the Pug is super excited! She loves seeing other dogs and acting all superior to them. Pugs have that kind of attitude and you just have to deal with it. She thinks she is superior to us, too.
Hope everyone is having a great week and has plans for a lovely weekend.

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