October 20, 2010

Insomnia sucks, but it gave me a reaosn to update this.

It's a little after 5 AM and I'm wide awake. Been that way since 1:30. I don't usually suffer from insomnia, but tonight (aka this morning) I do. So what better to do than update my blog which I've neglected.
So.... where to begin? I'm still going strong with Weight Watchers. Lost 13 pounds which has made me very happy. I'm almost halfway to my weight loss goal!! I've had some frustrating weeks but my leader keeps reminding us that we need to celebrate the small gains (or losses in WW lingo) of -0.3. We can't lose whole pound increments every time we weigh in and we didn't gain it overnight. I keep plugging along and know that I'll get to my goal- even if it takes a while.
I've always said that I wouldn't discuss my work on this blog b/c I like to keep my social network life & professional life separate. All I will say is that I'm starting to get the swing of the new job but it still challenges me every day. Lots of long hours the last couple of months have been one reason I haven't blogged a lot. Too much stuff on the brain that I can't blog about or nothing fun & frivolous on the brain to blog about. It's a catch-22.
I have learned an important lesson recently. Maybe not so much a lesson as truth that I had hoped would be untrue. Adults can be very childish. Really- I have to ask myself if someone is 50 or 5 on a more regular basis than I prefer. Seriously people- you are adults. ACT like it! No, don't act- actually BE an adult! The world would be a much better place if that would happen.
I'm still alive and well (although I'd prefer to be sleeping and having wonderfully pleasant dreams instead of typing this right now). Hoping the inspiration will come more frequently than once a month so I can maintain this thing and keep my loyal followers (Are you still there?) engaged and enchanted.
Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. wonderwoman! Congrats on the awesome weight loss and I feel ya about people acting like bebehs! Hang in there!! xo!
