October 30, 2010

Pugfest + Fry's = Happiness

As I write this, I'm relaxing after a very eventful day at Pugfest 2010 and watching a very exhausted Pug catch some ZZZZ's. For those who don't know, Pugfest is an annual fundraising event for Southeast Pug Rescue & Adoption, Inc. (SEPRA). They are a non-profit organization that rescues and fosters abandoned and surrendered Pugs while trying to place them in their forever homes. For more information, check them out at http://www.rescuepug.com

Today was our 4th Pugfest trip. I can honestly say that this was the best one by far. To hit the highlights: We spent the day with awesome dogs & their owners. I got some awesome items in the silent auction, and Sophie won 3rd place in the Homemade Costume category dressed as a nun. Pictures will be included in a future blog post. She was adorable (and yes- I am totally biased!). People loved her and kept taking her picture. She was a fan favorite. Now she is completely worn out and enjoying sleeping in the hotel bed. Not sure why, but Sophie loves hotel beds. Maybe it's because it's bigger than our bed at home and she can have more room. Maybe its because there is no kitty to share the space with. Who knows. All I do know is that she is sleeping like a champ.

In addition to Pugfest fun, this trip also marks our annual shopping excursion to Fry's Electronics. If you are not familiar with Fry's (which I wasn't until I began attending Pugfest 4 years ago), it is like a gigantic Best Buy. Jamie loves all the computers and electronic gadgets. I love the amazing selection of DVDs at wonderfully low prices. (This is not a paid advertisement for Fry's Electronics. Although they should pay me to spread the word about their greatness.) If you've ever been to our house, you understand why I appreciate a bargain on DVDs. We have almost 300 DVDs in our collection plus many of our favorite TV shows on DVD. Our collection continues to grow (thanks to me and the great deals I find) so we are never without entertainment in our house. Not to be completely selfish, most of what I purchased today was gifts for other people. I can't turn down a bargain and Christmas is just around the corner.

I'll close this post now and try to catch some ZZZZs with Sophie. She has the right idea.
Pug out!

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