February 6, 2011

I'm Back (for a select few)!

Since I've apparently causes chaos & drama with a recent blog post, I've decided to limit access to my blog as much as possible. However, I recognize that some "anonymous" followers may have slipped through the cracks and may still be watching. So if any of them decide to take offense to what I post, I'd suggest you follow someone else who will write about sunshine & lollipops all the time. This isn't that kind of blog.

For the record, I have accomplished a lot in my life, and I've made mistakes along the way. Who hasn't? There has only been one perfect individual, and He alone can cast judgement on me. I don't need anyone to remind me of my past and use it to cause heartache for anyone, including those who have already been hurt. All you have succeeded in doing is opening old wounds and bringing up a flood of very unpleasant memories for all parties involved. Here's some advice- grow up and stop causing drama! This isn't middle school.

Do I regret my past decisions? No because all those experiences have made me the person I am today. Is that a person that everyone loves? Not likely but I can't control that. I can only control how I treat others and how I respond to life situations. I haven't always treated people the way they deserved to be treated, and I can own up to that. I've done my best to apologize to those individuals and make amends as best I can. I even respect those who don't wish to accept my apology.

So with that being said, please note- if I offend you, have the guts to tell me. Don't feel the need to tell everyone but me. Or just stop reading my blog and move on with your life. Heaven knows the rest of us have!

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