May 20, 2010

Life is Full of Change and Crazy People

The times they are a changin'. Since my last post, I've been offered and accepted a new position at work. It will be an interesting change of pace and some additional work stress, but it is a great opportunity. I'm excited about what the future holds. Now, I don't usually discuss my professional life on my blog, but I had to share my news.
Now, on to the real reason reason for my post. Why must crazy people be part of my life? I'm not talking about the crazy people that entertain me either on purpose or by simply being their crazy self. I'm talking about the psycho people that continue to call your house and leave nasty messages one day and then call the next day and want to apologize for whatever they've done to prevent you from returning their call. Yep- our house became plagued with these kinds of calls for several days recently. It's like this: dude, if we wanted to to talk to you, we'd call you back. Obviously if you leave a nasty & borderline threatening message on our voicemail, Hubby and I are pretty much NOT going to give you air in a jug much less a return phone call. Get a grip & lose our phone numbers!
So here's a word to the wise: If you call and issue vague threats to either Hubby or me, we will not return your call (no matter how much you beg us to do so) and we will laugh at your sorry, pathetic ass for however long we find the situation amusing. And we'll tell our friends about it as we all get a good laugh (at your expense of course).
Be good to each other & don't abuse the telephone!

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